Legal notice

The legal notice and conditions of use may be modified at any time and without notice. Please check them periodically to inform yourself of any changes.

1 - Website identification

Website address:

Website publisher: Ets Guy JOUBERT SAS (Holding)
Les Eliots – 106 rue des Epinées
16170 Val-d’Auge
Tel: (33) 05 45 21 62 23
Simplified joint stock company with capital of 5,003,926 euros
Registered in the Angoulême Trade and Companies Register under the number 318 098 191

Publication Manager: Michaël GEOFFROY

Design: Youz

Webdesign development: Avanti

Hosting: Wanerys
Antipolis II - 8A rue du Pâtis Tatelin
35700 Rennes
Tel: (33) 02 99 60 12 18

2 - Personal data

The recipient of the personal data collected on the website is the Joubert Group.
In compliance with the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978:

  • You have the right to access, modify, rectify and erase your personal data.
  • To exercise this right, please send a request by e-mail to the website administrator or a request in writing to the following postal address:
    Ets Guy JOUBERT SAS (Holding)
    Les Eliots – 106 rue des Epinées - Auge-St-Médard - 16170 Val-d’Auge

3 - Intellectual property

This website belongs to and is run by the Joubert Group.

All the constituent elements of the website, including the brands, logos, domain names and other distinctive features appearing on the website (hereinafter referred to as "the Site"), are protected by the intellectual property and copyright legislation in force, are the exclusive property of the Joubert Group, and shall not be used without authorisation.

All copyrights are reserved. Printing on paper is authorized subject to respecting the entirety of the documents reproduced (no modification or alteration).

Any unauthorised use of the Site or its content would incur your liability and constitute an infringement punishable by articles L335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.

Photo credits:

  • Serge Crampon - All rights reserved
  • JOUBERT Plywood

If you wish to use or modify a photographic document, please contact the Joubert Group communication department.
Joubert Group photo library and image bank. All rights reserved.

4 - Hypertext links

The Site may contain hypertext links to other sites of which the Joubert Group is not the publisher.

You are informed and agree that the Joubert Group is not responsible for the unavailability of such sites and that the Joubert Group does not review, control, approve nor is responsible for any content, advertising, products or other materials available on or via these sites.

Consequently, use of a link that directs users to another site is your sole responsibility. In any case, the Company shall not be liable for any prejudice, direct or indirect, resulting from links to or from the Site and/or the use of third-party websites from these links.

5 - Password confidentiality

Some users have a password which is personal and confidential to access specific information. Users are personally responsible for keeping the password confidential and for how the password is used. The Company shall not be held liable in this regard.

6 - Limitations and liability

The Joubert Group is unable to guarantee that the information on its Site is accurate, complete or up-to-date.
The Joubert Group makes every effort to provide accurate and up-to-date information.
You acknowledge that you are responsible for how you use this information.

The Joubert Group may not be held liable for:

  • errors or omissions in the information published on the Site,
  • direct or indirect damage which could result from access to or use of the Site, including accessibility, loss of data, deterioration, destruction or viruses which could affect your computer equipment and/or the presence of viruses on the Site.

7 - Availability of the Site

You are informed that the Joubert Group Site is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with the exception of cases of force majeure, IT difficulties, difficulties linked to telecommunications networks or technical difficulties.

For maintenance reasons, the Joubert Group may interrupt access to the Site.

The Site is optimised for the most recent web browsers.

The Joubert Group reserves the right to update or modify the conditions of use and the content of this Site at any time and without notice.

8 - Data protection

In compliance with French Data Protection Act 78-17 of 6 January 1978, this Site was subject to a declaration to the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (French Data Protection Agency) (no. 1085036).

During your visit to this Site, you may be asked to enter personal information (name, address, occupation, telephone number, e-mail address, etc.).

This information enables you to be recognised and to easily submit your information and document requests by filling in a form. It can also be used to improve the quality of our Site.

The Joubert Group agrees not to sell e-mail addresses in its possession to third parties for systematic sending of advertising messages. However, the Joubert Group may automatically keep and process collected data to contact you and inform you, if need be, of product launches, services, or sales actions.

You have the right to access, modify, rectify and erase your personal data.

To exercise this right, please write to:
Ets Guy JOUBERT SAS (Holding)
Les Eliots – 106 rue des Epinées - Auge-St-Médard - 16170 Val-d’Auge

9 - Applicable law and competent jurisdiction

The Site and its content are subject to French law.